A fresh new simple and clean design
3 New Colour Themes
3 colour options easily changable at any time to suit your cycle mood
- for men and women
Daily Reminders
Daily Notifications are customisable in the SETTINGS, supporting you to remember to take that ‘stop’ moment in your day and express what’s going on.
Customise your Feelings, Moods, or Symptoms
The ability to add your OWN 'feeling', 'mood' or 'symptom' that you want to pay attention to in your cycle, and the App will will track it as long as you like.
New Language Options
The App has been personally translated into German, and now operates a basic translation function for other languages.
Theme your Cycle
Commit to a well-being program, and theme it in your NOTES section under ‘Cycle Theme’, the App will keep track of it all for you in CHARTS.
Sync your data between the IOS App and the online Web App
Manually change ovulation date
'Intimate' button
4 N E W U S E R C A T E G O R I E S
Which Category are you?
A Woman Menstruating
This category is focused on menstruation and ovulation. It allows women to individually monitor their dates, feelings, moods and symptoms for the period and ovulation in separate calendars and diaries. WHY? because these 2 phases of the cycle reveal different patterns of behaviours and symptoms that bring a much deeper self-awareness and connection to your body.
At a glance the Period Calendar will show you; current period, period prediction, ovulation date, New moon and Full moon date, and give focus to the 'preparation days' before your period begins so you are reminded to be aware of what's going on in your body.
At a glance the Ovulation Calendar will show you; current ovulation date, ovulation prediction, period dates, New moon and Full moon, and give focus to the 'fertility' days around ovulation so you may be aware of your body and cycle. Note: you can now manually change your ovulation date if needed.
Pregnant or Transitioning Cycles
This category is for women during pregnancy or, when the regularity of their menstruation begins to change, but they have not yet fully transitioned into post-menopause. It's design encourages you to make the Full Moon cycle your focus for tracking your information, but, it still gives you the possibility to access the Period Calendar or Ovulation Calendar and all of its functions as and when needed.
Example: Women who are peri-menopausal may not need to record period information for 120 days at a time, the app therefore will let you see and keep a record of the periods you have, however many days apart, whilst you daily follow the Moon Cycle and use it to support more awareness of what's going on in your body.
The Period Calendar and the Ovulation Calendar can be accessed as normal but you will notice that the 'preparation days' are focused around the dates of the Full Moon for you.
A Woman Post-Menopause
This category is for women post-menopause, which means you have stopped having your menstruation completely. You may still be experiencing symptoms such as hot-flushes, but the focus of the app now supports you in a new phase to follow the Moon Cycle and use it to support a deeper awareness and connection to your body and what is going on month-to-month.
In essence, just because your menstruation cycle stopped, doesn't mean your cycles stop all together! It's time to become aware of your elder body and expression.
Note: If you are still having the occasional period it is recommended that you use the 'Transitioning Cycles' option so your data can be recorded.
This category is for Men, to use the Moon Cycle calendar and diary to support taking note of what is happening in their body, and feelings/moods from month-to-month.
W E B - A P P F E A T U R E S
PDF Export - A Personalised Report
Our Cycles allows you to choose any period of time and generate a report that gives you a pictorial over view of all your feelings, moods, symptoms, cycles dates and lengths in one PDF. A very supportive tool when visiting your GP or other Health practitioners and or just to keep a record of your health and well-being.
(Available only in the Web App version)
All Features for IOS above are part of the Web-App Design
Period Tracking
Track your period cycle dates and use the period prediction function to prepare ahead and know when you're due next
Ovulation Tracking
Know your body more deeply and track when you ovulate and the different feelings or symptoms you experience to the period
(note: not a contraceptive solution)
Daily Notes
Make notes daily in the diary section of how you're feeling, your moods, symptoms and commit to your own well-being programs
Well-Being Charts
Easy to view charts that show you how frequently or not you are experiencing the same feeling, mood or symptom - a great overview of your well-being
Full Moon Calendar
For Men and Women not menstruating - follow the Full Moon each month as a regular cycle to track patterns in your body
Nurturing Journal
Take care of your well-being a little deeper and use the journal to note your nurturing actions and see how this could change your cycle